Welcome to my underwater photography blog

Welcome to My Underwater Photography Blog

Why all of this ?

I am writing this blog to share with you my passion for the underwater world. This passion began when I was just five years old and learned how to swim. This early fascination led me to pursue a master’s degree in oceanography, deepening my understanding of the vast and mysterious ocean and contributing to the preservation of marine life. Six years ago, I took my love for the ocean to the next level by starting freediving, which allowed me to witness firsthand the beauty and wonder beneath the waves. I began filming my encounters with an old GoPro, and gradually, I became more captivated by capturing photos of what I was seeing. This sparked my passion for underwater photography. You can learn more about me by clicking here.

For me, underwater photography is not just about capturing a moment but also about the entire process behind it. It involves choosing the right angle, interacting with human models, and approaching animals without scaring them. Each picture tells a story, and it’s these stories that thrill me.

In this blog, I will share all of these experiences with you.

What you can expect:

Encounters with wildlife

Dive into stories of my encounters with a variety of marine life, from the smallest nudibranchs to the majestic whales. I’ll share not only the thrill of these encounters but also the behaviours and characteristics that make each species unique. 

Photography tips:

As a professional underwater photographer, I will share with you some tips to improve your creations. Whether you are a seasoned underwater photographer or just starting out, I will offer tips and techniques to help you capture the beauty of the underwater world. From camera settings to freediving techniques, I will cover everything you need to know to improve your underwater photography skills.

© Daan Verhoeven
Tips for models:

I will provide you with some modeling tips to prepare you for our upcoming photoshoot, including techniques to stay relaxed underwater and appear elegantly composed.

Model dancing on the sandy bottom
Marine biology:

Learn fascinating facts about marine ecosystems and the incredible creatures that inhabit them. As I explore different underwater environments, I will provide insights into the biology of different organisms and describe the habitats that I am witnessing.

And more...

Expect to see a variety of topics, from gear reviews to travel tips for the best diving locations around the world. This blog is a space for sharing and learning, and I invite you to join the conversation by commenting and asking questions.

Thank you for diving in with me. Together, we’ll explore the wonders of the underwater world, one dive at a time.

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You can view some of my work with clients or explore my services by clicking the buttons below.

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